What a lovely surprise to see Solene’s smiling face gracing the cover of January’s Milkcow Vintage, when the magazine popped through my letterbox today. The day Solene came for the shoot we really worked hard, shooting catalogue shots for Sleek ‘n Chic, and editorial images, of which this is one.
I do owe a big thank you to Caroline and Peter Tuffrey for generously allowing me to use their amazing home as a location. When they took it over the original owners apologised for its ‘dated’ look – but it had been just what the Tuffrey’s had been looking for!
Since then they have painstakingly restored and recreated a wonderful fifties environment. Just to give you a better flavour of the ambience have a look at the images below, shot back in July for Bamboo Bettie range of retro dresses.