Bye bye blue screen!
I’ve enjoyed one too many Billy Gates bluescreen experiences recently. The issue that tipped the balance was finding my PC Windows had ‘updated’ overnight and from that point refused to boot up. So I’ve taken the plunge and am now a newbie Mac user. I spent a fair few hours in the Apple store, before making my decision. The very knowledgeable guy even loaded up Photoshop, then stood aside so I could see how it compared for speed. Well, having grown up on Windows, and never having experienced a Magic Trackpad, all I could do, was to make Photoshop speedily vanish with a flourish…pretty magical to me! It felt like the first time I’d been in front of a computer…a little embarrassing really. I did not have a clue about making Photoshop do anything…and I’ve been using the program since version 3!
However now, after a week I am falling in love with it, although have had a few hairy moments working out the implications of using spreadsheets over the network, and getting my head around aliases that forget where they are pointing!
A large RAID is on order so soon I should for the first time have access to my entire library, without having to rely on a pile of hard drives!
Shooting along…
The studio has been hopping lately.
In no particular order, here’s some of the output…

Aisling Grace, on Tattoo Revolution magazine
Congratulations to Aisling, who shot this for Tattoo Revolution Magazine shortly before leaving for Australia.
I enjoyed a very productive shoot with Portia Victoria, a multi-talented young lady, shooting some amazing outfits by the UK latex couture company Westward Bound. This was one from a set for a cover of an online lifestyle magazine from Thailand.
Below Portia models an extravagant outfit from London based Kaori’s Latex Dreams…
Sticking with the latex theme (bad choice of words?), Torture Garden have published images from my recent shoot with Marnie Scarlet who will be performing at their forthcoming Fetish Boat Party:
And now for something completely different…
Just about as far away from the previous photography, it is lovely to see the beautiful Acid Doll gracing the cover of the new Vintage Life. This was taken during the Brighton shoot at the Pelirocco Hotel.
For some while Laura from Hot Rockin Belle has championed outfits for those who are above stick-thin! So I was delighted to help her prove that rockabilly dresses actually do look better on girls with curves. We shot some catalogue shots and some editorial shots…the latter will remain ‘under wraps’ until publication. Anyway, if you have curves, now you know where to visit to find a treasure trove of fun fashions that really flatter.
These three Hot Rockin Belles above are (L to R) Sarahanne Hall, Lea Blakey Miller and Amanda Coban.
Finishing the round-up of images from a few recent shoots we have model Chipfox, modelling an outfit by Rubber Monkey – and this is by no means a random choice of image, for this talented model is also the driving force behind Retro Beauty…and she was the make-up artist and hair stylist for our trio above.