I often read the tag #lovemywork, and that certainly describes my situation – this has certainly been one heck of a year!
So here’s just a brief overview of the past twelve months, which started brilliantly, with photographing in New Zealand and Australia…fabulous countries for landscape work, and wonderful friendly folk too.
Gratifyingly, a number of fashion companies started using my services for the first time, and there has been a great interest in my location fashion shooting – in 2014 I did more location shoots for catalogues/editorials than the previous two years combined! I’m posting some examples, but oftentimes fashion shoots have to remain ‘under wraps’ until release of catalogues.
I’ve been fortunate enough to get to shoot in Canada, Luxemburg, Germany and several times in the USA.
During the year I achieved the qualification of Licentiate Photographer with the Society of International Fashion and Glamour Photographers, and over the past few months I have also been honoured by them with the accolade of a Gold Award for some of my images….such as these:
My work featured in a number of publications, and on various magazine covers too.
I was happy to sponsor both Burlesque Idol and Pinup UK again – acting as one of their judges for the latter. I was also invited to judge the Miss Pinup Scandinavia, and to run a pin-up photography studio at Rat Fink Reunion in Avesta, Sweden.

Fighting the hot sun and having a great time Helena, Ariel and Kandi (L to R) at Avesta, Sweden
December saw a flattering profile of the studio published in Pinstriping and Kustoms magazine – thanks guys!
I feel both fortunate and humbled to have been able to work with so many lovely models and great teams of MUAH and art directors. I am not going to name names as I know I’ll only leave someone out, so thank you to you all. I have put together headshots of some of the models I’ve photographed – it has been a real pleasure working with you all.
I wish you a healthy and happy 2015. For myself I am delighted to have already scheduled photoshoots with so many loyal clients, and excited to be welcoming a number of new ones too.
Finally, a note to myself – must do better on my blog in the coming year; my last post was ages ago…simply down to workload!
Tags: Essex, fashion, photography, UK