Lately there seem to be less hours in the day and less days in the week! I keep trying to find time to update this blog, but shooting and retouching leaves me less and less time. Anyway, burning the midnight oil here to give a brief overview. The next posting, which will follow very soon, will be an all-picture one!

Kristina Labahn - see below
An interesting case
First, an embarrassing confession.
It soon becomes apparent,when working with models, that they always turn up with a large case in inverse proportion to their size…a petite model will always arrive lugging a huge beast of a trunk behind them. The other thing that is evident is that whereas, without makeup, one would probably pass a model without a second glance, once made up she will have all heads swinging round!
Anyway, as is my custom, I offer to collect models from the local station to ferry them to the studio. Last week, I waited at the barrier. A large case appeared, along with a diminutive model. She struggled up to the barrier with her case, and realised it was not going to go through easily. I was standing the other side of the barrier and managed to catch the eye of the attendant in the ticket booth; I gestured about the luggage issue taking place. He nodded, pressed his button and opened the large side gate which she made her way through.
I gave her a welcoming smile, said hello and proffered my hand, offering to carry her bag. At this point it fleetingly crossed my mind that I had asked her to come with most of her make-up done, and irritatingly, she had evidently ignored this recommendation. She seemed to return my welcome with a curious little half smile, all but ignored my hand, then bustled straight past me, and on towards the exit. And at that point, who should be coming around the corner towards the ticket barrier, pulling a large case, but a stunning model, fully made-up – my model! Oops!
I spent the remainder of the shoot wondering what on earth the first lady had made of the strange guy, who apparently hanging around station exits trying to pick up young girls…or at least their luggage!
People have said…
I am not very pro-active when it comes to promoting the studio, believing that the images should speak for themselves. However a very good friend of mine, now sadly deceased, lived by the mantra ‘if you don’t blow your own trumpet, who else will!’
So although I will let you be the judge of my work, I can tell you that I do plenty of shoots with those who have never been in a studio before. Sometimes the shoot is purchased as a gift by friends or family, sometimes it is the model herself who simply wishes to achieve some images to be able to show her children and grandchildren well into the future.
What sort of shoots? Well, that is entirely the decision of each client. I have shot anything to cheesecake pin-up, to art-nude…and even pregnant ladies wishing to be immortalised a la Demi Moore. Images can be as demure or risque as you wish. Being able to call on the services of professional make-up artists and hair stylists is so important for such shoots – it really makes a huge difference. The make-up artist/hair stylist discusses what you want from the images and will create a style to help you achieve your dream images.
If you read the blog you will already know I often shoot for performers. I am also called on to shoot for model portfolios, so rather than blow my own trumpet I will conclude with a couple of unsolicited testimonials that have come along in the past couple of weeks:
“An absolutely huge thank you for today! It was a huge pleasure meeting you and I had a whale of a time. I certainly enjoyed working and conversing with you a great deal and would be thrilled to have you shoot me again in the near future.
I have looked through the images and an absolutely thrilled beyond words. You have done me a real justice, I am floored by how many I simply adore. I can’t thank you enough. “ – Kristelle O’Chocolat
“My shoot with Retrophotostudios was incredible. Terry is very easy to work with, and made me feel very comfortable. He gives outstanding direction, and knows exactly how to achieve superb images. I am so impressed with every image I have seen so far. Highly recommended. Cannot wait to shoot again.” – Kristina Labahn